Import Persons from Device

Import Persons from Device

If the added device such as an access control device, video intercom device, and encoding device has been configured with person information, you can get person information from the device and import it to the system for further operations. The person information that can be imported to the system includes person name, profile, credentials (PIN codes, cards, and fingerprints), effective period, person roles (super user and the disabled), etc.

  1. Click Person > Person List > Import > Import from Device.
    Figure 1. Import Persons from Device
  2. Set the device type as access control device, video intercom device, encoding device, or facial recognition server.
  3. Check one or more devices from the device list.

    You can enter a key word (supports fuzzy search) in the search box to search the target device(s) quickly.

  4. Select a person group to import the persons to.
  5. Optional: Check Replace Profile to replace the existed person profile with the new one.

    This function is applicable for persons who already have their profiles in the system and now have new profiles.

  6. Click Import to start importing.

    When importing, the system will compare persons on the device with persons in the system based on the person name. If the person name exists on the device but do not exists in the system, the system will create a new person. If the person name exists both on the device and in the system, the person information in the system will be replaced by the data on the device.

Import Persons from Device

If the added device such as an access control device, video intercom device, and encoding device has been configured with person information, you can get person information from the device and import it to the system for further operations. The person information that can be imported to the system includes person name, profile, credentials (PIN codes, cards, and fingerprints), effective period, person roles (super user and the disabled), etc.

  1. Click Person > Person List > Import > Import from Device.
    Figure 1. Import Persons from Device
  2. Set the device type as access control device, video intercom device, encoding device, or facial recognition server.
  3. Check one or more devices from the device list.

    You can enter a key word (supports fuzzy search) in the search box to search the target device(s) quickly.

  4. Select a person group to import the persons to.
  5. Optional: Check Replace Profile to replace the existed person profile with the new one.

    This function is applicable for persons who already have their profiles in the system and now have new profiles.

  6. Click Import to start importing.

    When importing, the system will compare persons on the device with persons in the system based on the person name. If the person name exists on the device but do not exists in the system, the system will create a new person. If the person name exists both on the device and in the system, the person information in the system will be replaced by the data on the device.