After setting self-service check-out point, visitors can check out by authenticating at the self-service check-out points without the help of receptionist. If you have issue a card to a visitor when registering, after checking out, the visitor should put the card in the place for card collection. The access level of visitor cards, fingerprints, face pictures, and QR codes will expire automatically.
Make sure you have added at least one device that supports this function.
This function needs to be supported by devices.
You can enter a keyword of a door name in the searching bar to search wanted doors.
After setting self-service check-out points, the visitors can check-out at the points according to the assigned access level by swiping card or fingerprint/face authentication.
After setting self-service check-out point, visitors can check out by authenticating at the self-service check-out points without the help of receptionist. If you have issue a card to a visitor when registering, after checking out, the visitor should put the card in the place for card collection. The access level of visitor cards, fingerprints, face pictures, and QR codes will expire automatically.
Make sure you have added at least one device that supports this function.
This function needs to be supported by devices.
You can enter a keyword of a door name in the searching bar to search wanted doors.
After setting self-service check-out points, the visitors can check-out at the points according to the assigned access level by swiping card or fingerprint/face authentication.