Set Network Timeout

Set Network Timeout

Network timeout duration refers to the default waiting time for the configurations on the Web Client. The configuration will be regarded as failure if no response within the configured timeout time.

The minimum default waiting time of the interactions between the configurations and SYS server is 60s, the minimum time between SYS server and devices is 5s, and the minimum time between the configurations and devices is 5s.


This parameter affects all the Web Clients accessing the current SYS server.

Set Network Timeout

Network timeout duration refers to the default waiting time for the configurations on the Web Client. The configuration will be regarded as failure if no response within the configured timeout time.

The minimum default waiting time of the interactions between the configurations and SYS server is 60s, the minimum time between SYS server and devices is 5s, and the minimum time between the configurations and devices is 5s.


This parameter affects all the Web Clients accessing the current SYS server.