Only when evidence collection is enabled, can the operators save specific video footage as evidence and search the saved evidence on the Control Client. Evidence collection can help to settle issues such as traffic disputes and criminal cases.
You should have configured a SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) server.
Operator is the role that has all the permission for operating the Control Client and the permission for operating the Applications (Live View, Playback, and Local Configuration) on the Web Client. For details about configuring users and roles, see Manage Role and User.
The required information for enabling evidence collection will be displayed.
Define the evidence types that the operators can select when they edit evidence information on the Control Client.
Define the type(s) of organization on site that the operators can select when they edit the evidence information on the Control Client.
Organization on site refers to the organization or personnel (e.g., police, fire department) on the site of the accident or criminal incident.
Define the evidence-related incidents' results or conclusions that the operators can select when they edit evidence information on the Control Client.
Only when evidence collection is enabled, can the operators save specific video footage as evidence and search the saved evidence on the Control Client. Evidence collection can help to settle issues such as traffic disputes and criminal cases.
You should have configured a SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) server.
Operator is the role that has all the permission for operating the Control Client and the permission for operating the Applications (Live View, Playback, and Local Configuration) on the Web Client. For details about configuring users and roles, see Manage Role and User.
The required information for enabling evidence collection will be displayed.
Define the evidence types that the operators can select when they edit evidence information on the Control Client.
Define the type(s) of organization on site that the operators can select when they edit the evidence information on the Control Client.
Organization on site refers to the organization or personnel (e.g., police, fire department) on the site of the accident or criminal incident.
Define the evidence-related incidents' results or conclusions that the operators can select when they edit evidence information on the Control Client.