Import Person Pictures

Import Person Pictures

After importing face pictures for the added persons to the client, the persons in the pictures can be identified by an added face recognition terminal. You can either import person pictures one by one, or import multiple pictures at a time according to your need.

Be sure to have imported person information to the client beforehand.

  1. Enter the Person module.
  2. Select an added organization in the list, or click Add in the upper-left corner to add an organization and then select it.
  3. Click Import to open the Import panel and check Face.
  4. Optional: Enable Verify by Device to check whether face recognition device managed in the client can recognize the face in the photo.
  5. Click to select a face picture file.
    • The (folder of) face pictures should be in ZIP format.

    • Each picture file should be in JPG format and should be no larger than 200 KB.

    • Each picture file should be named as "Person ID_Name". The Person ID should be the same with that of the imported person information.

  6. Click Import to start importing.

    The importing progress and result will be displayed.

Import Person Pictures

After importing face pictures for the added persons to the client, the persons in the pictures can be identified by an added face recognition terminal. You can either import person pictures one by one, or import multiple pictures at a time according to your need.

Be sure to have imported person information to the client beforehand.

  1. Enter the Person module.
  2. Select an added organization in the list, or click Add in the upper-left corner to add an organization and then select it.
  3. Click Import to open the Import panel and check Face.
  4. Optional: Enable Verify by Device to check whether face recognition device managed in the client can recognize the face in the photo.
  5. Click to select a face picture file.
    • The (folder of) face pictures should be in ZIP format.

    • Each picture file should be in JPG format and should be no larger than 200 KB.

    • Each picture file should be named as "Person ID_Name". The Person ID should be the same with that of the imported person information.

  6. Click Import to start importing.

    The importing progress and result will be displayed.