Manage Visitor

Manage Visitor

The system provides an entire process for visitors tour from registration to check-out. You can group visitors with different visiting reason to different access groups for effective management; customize the accessible area of the visitors, and the visitors can access the areas by various ways like face picture, and ID card.

On the Web Client, you can add visitor information to the system and assign access levels to the visitors to define which doors and which floor the visitors can access with credentials.

HikCentral Professional also provides two kinds of visitor terminals: self-service visitor terminal and staff-service visitor terminal. As the name suggests, the former allows the visitor to complete the whole operations such as registration and check-out all by herself/himself, thus reducing the work load for the reception personnel; While the latter is for the reception personnel to dominate the operations, thus providing stricter visitor management and control. For details about these two visitor terminals, refer to User Manual of HikCentral Professional Visitor Terminal.

Manage Visitor

The system provides an entire process for visitors tour from registration to check-out. You can group visitors with different visiting reason to different access groups for effective management; customize the accessible area of the visitors, and the visitors can access the areas by various ways like face picture, and ID card.

On the Web Client, you can add visitor information to the system and assign access levels to the visitors to define which doors and which floor the visitors can access with credentials.

HikCentral Professional also provides two kinds of visitor terminals: self-service visitor terminal and staff-service visitor terminal. As the name suggests, the former allows the visitor to complete the whole operations such as registration and check-out all by herself/himself, thus reducing the work load for the reception personnel; While the latter is for the reception personnel to dominate the operations, thus providing stricter visitor management and control. For details about these two visitor terminals, refer to User Manual of HikCentral Professional Visitor Terminal.