

JSON message about metadata types to be subscribed

/*optional, array of string, type list of metadata to be subscribed: "thermometry"-real-time temperature measurement, "fireDetection"-fire source detection, "shipsDetection"-ship detection, "behaviorAnalysis"-behavior analysis, "ANPR", "personQueue"-queue management, "faceSnap"-face capture, "radarDetection"-radar detection, "personalTrack"-personal tracking; it can contain multiple types, and each type string can contain up to 64 characters*/


JSON message about metadata types to be subscribed

/*optional, array of string, type list of metadata to be subscribed: "thermometry"-real-time temperature measurement, "fireDetection"-fire source detection, "shipsDetection"-ship detection, "behaviorAnalysis"-behavior analysis, "ANPR", "personQueue"-queue management, "faceSnap"-face capture, "radarDetection"-radar detection, "personalTrack"-personal tracking; it can contain multiple types, and each type string can contain up to 64 characters*/