

XML message about general medata of radar detection

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Metadata version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.isapi.org/ver20/XMLSchema">
    <!--required, xs:string, metadata type: ruleTargetRadar (rule metadata of radar detection), activityTargetRadar (real-time target metadata of radar detection)-->
  <subType><!--optional, xs:string, metadata sub type: behaviorAnalysis--></subType>
  <time><!--required, xs:time, based on ISO 8601 time standard--></time>
    <ipAddress><!--dependent, xs:string--></ipAddress>
    <ipv6Address><!--dependent, xs:string--></ipv6Address>
    <portNo><!--required, xs:integer--></portNo>
    <macAddress><!--required, xs:string--></macAddress>
    <domainName><!--optional, xs:string--></domainName>
    <radarChannel><!--optional, xs:integer, radar channel-->1</radarChannel>
  <TargetDetection><!--optional, rule region (relative to polar coordinate)-->
        <ruleID><!--optional, xs:integer--></ruleID>
	<PolarCoordinatesList><!--optional, polar coordinate list of rule region-->
	  <Coordinate><!--polar coordinate of rule region-->
	    <angle><!--required, xs:float, angle, value range: [-75,75], unit: degree--></angle>
	    <distance><!--required, xs:integer, detection range, the maximum value is 150, unit: m--></distance>
  <RadarDetectionRegion><!--radar detection region parameters-->
    <angle><!--required, xs:float, detection angle (unit: degree), which is accurate to two decimal places--></angle>
    <distance><!--required, xs:float, detection range (unit: degree), which is accurate to two decimal places--></distance>
    <towards><!--required, xs:float, detection direction (unit: degree), which is accurate to two decimal places--></towards>
    <VertexPoint><!--coordinates of vertex on radar detection region-->
      <x><!--required, xs:float, X-coordinate, value range: [0.000,1], which is accurate to three decimal places--></x>
      <y><!--required, xs:float, Y-coordinate, value range: [0.000,1], which is accurate to three decimal places--></y>
  <VideoDetectionRegion><!--parameters of video image region that relatives to radar-->
    <angle><!--optional, xs:float, angle, value range: [0.00,359.00]--></angle>
    <fieldView><!--optional, xs:float, field of view, value range: [0.00,180.00]--></fieldView>
  <ActivityTargetList><!--real-time target parameter list-->
      <speed><!--required, xs:integer, target moving speed, unit: km/h--></speed>
      <angle><!--required, xs:float, target angle, value range: [-75,75], unit: degree--></angle>
      <distance><!--required, xs:integer, target distance, the maximum value is 150, unit: m--></distance>
  <PropertyList><!--property list-->
      <description><!--property name, xs:string--></description>
      <value><!--property value, xs:object--></value>


For different detection types, the metadata details of radar detection are different, see the table below.

Detection Type

Metadata Details

Radar Behavior Analysis



XML message about general medata of radar detection

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Metadata version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.isapi.org/ver20/XMLSchema">
    <!--required, xs:string, metadata type: ruleTargetRadar (rule metadata of radar detection), activityTargetRadar (real-time target metadata of radar detection)-->
  <subType><!--optional, xs:string, metadata sub type: behaviorAnalysis--></subType>
  <time><!--required, xs:time, based on ISO 8601 time standard--></time>
    <ipAddress><!--dependent, xs:string--></ipAddress>
    <ipv6Address><!--dependent, xs:string--></ipv6Address>
    <portNo><!--required, xs:integer--></portNo>
    <macAddress><!--required, xs:string--></macAddress>
    <domainName><!--optional, xs:string--></domainName>
    <radarChannel><!--optional, xs:integer, radar channel-->1</radarChannel>
  <TargetDetection><!--optional, rule region (relative to polar coordinate)-->
        <ruleID><!--optional, xs:integer--></ruleID>
	<PolarCoordinatesList><!--optional, polar coordinate list of rule region-->
	  <Coordinate><!--polar coordinate of rule region-->
	    <angle><!--required, xs:float, angle, value range: [-75,75], unit: degree--></angle>
	    <distance><!--required, xs:integer, detection range, the maximum value is 150, unit: m--></distance>
  <RadarDetectionRegion><!--radar detection region parameters-->
    <angle><!--required, xs:float, detection angle (unit: degree), which is accurate to two decimal places--></angle>
    <distance><!--required, xs:float, detection range (unit: degree), which is accurate to two decimal places--></distance>
    <towards><!--required, xs:float, detection direction (unit: degree), which is accurate to two decimal places--></towards>
    <VertexPoint><!--coordinates of vertex on radar detection region-->
      <x><!--required, xs:float, X-coordinate, value range: [0.000,1], which is accurate to three decimal places--></x>
      <y><!--required, xs:float, Y-coordinate, value range: [0.000,1], which is accurate to three decimal places--></y>
  <VideoDetectionRegion><!--parameters of video image region that relatives to radar-->
    <angle><!--optional, xs:float, angle, value range: [0.00,359.00]--></angle>
    <fieldView><!--optional, xs:float, field of view, value range: [0.00,180.00]--></fieldView>
  <ActivityTargetList><!--real-time target parameter list-->
      <speed><!--required, xs:integer, target moving speed, unit: km/h--></speed>
      <angle><!--required, xs:float, target angle, value range: [-75,75], unit: degree--></angle>
      <distance><!--required, xs:integer, target distance, the maximum value is 150, unit: m--></distance>
  <PropertyList><!--property list-->
      <description><!--property name, xs:string--></description>
      <value><!--property value, xs:object--></value>


For different detection types, the metadata details of radar detection are different, see the table below.

Detection Type

Metadata Details

Radar Behavior Analysis
